Pumpkin Risotto Recipe 🎃

Risotto Recipe

The CREAMIEST, BUTTERY Pumpkin Risotto Recipe 🎃 Topped with crispy sage leaves, roasted pumpkin and toasted pumpkin seeds for a bit of extra crunch.

Recipe from Ella Broadfield, using the King’s Fine Food Acquerello Risotto Rice.

Autumn is well and truly upon us ladies and gents, and what better way to be at one with the season than this autumnal bowl of goodness 🍂

Served in a shallow bowl – absolute perfection!

Ingredients (Serves 2):

1 Large Pumpkin
– 1/2 roasted then puréed (you can pull the flesh apart with two forks)
– 1/2 cut into cubes and roasted
KEEP THE SEEDS to toast!
1 White Onion
2 Garlic Cloves
1 tsp Turmeric
1 Chicken/Veg Stock Cube/1litre stock
1 Cup Acquerello Risotto Rice
30g Parmesan
15g Butter
10 Sage Leaves
Olive Oil / Salt


Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/ gas 4.  Put the pumpkin on a baking tray, with the sage drizzle over some oil, then roast for 30 mins.

While the pumpkin is roasting, you can make the risotto. Put the garlic in a sandwich bag, then bash lightly with a rolling pin until it’s crushed.

Chop the onion.

Heat 1 tbsp oil with the butter in your pan over medium heat – not too hot. Add the onion and garlic. Once the onions are soft but not getting brown, add the rice and turmeric. Stir well to coat in the buttery mix for about 1 min.

Now add half a cup of the stock, and stir every now and then until it has all disappeared into the rice. Carry on adding and stirring in a large splash of stock at a time, until you have used up all the stock – this will take about 20 mins. Season.

Check the rice is cooked. If it isn’t, add a splash more stock, and carry on cooking for a bit. Once the rice is soft enough to eat, gently stir in the grated cheese and roasted pumpkin.
