Aquitaine Caviar Tasting with Laura King

Aquitaine caviar Tasting with Laura King

Aquitaine Caviar Tasting with Laura King – Caviar Specialist Laura King talks about the King’s Fine Food Aquitaine Caviar. Aquitaine (Baerii) – Country of Origin: France Aquitaine produces the eggs after 5 years. It has a nutty sea taste with low acidity, and ranges from a steely grey colour, similar to Sevruga, to jet black. Aquitaine, […]

Cherry Chocolate Truffles

Cherry Chocolate Truffles

Looking for some kitchen inspiration? Why not try this delicious, quick, simple Cherry Chocolate Truffles recipe. Cherry Chocolate Truffles 5 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped 1/2 cup heavy cream, plus 2 tablespoons 1 1/4 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon Boyajian Natural Cherry Flavouring 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa, sifted Combine cream and sugar in a small saucepan and […]

Virtual “Gala in your Parlour” Dinner


Virtual “Gala in your Parlour” Dinner – Saturday 17th October 2020 Join our first ever Virtual Fundraising Gala event for the John King Brain Tumour Foundation. With plans on hold for our biannual Gala Dinner in London, we are delighted to be hosting our first-ever Virtual Fundraising Gala event, ‘Gala In Your Parlour’. It will be an evening packed […]

Post-Pandemic Hygiene with Airdri – The Digital Line

Post-Pandemic Hygiene with Airdri - The Digital Line

Post-Pandemic Hygiene with Airdri  – The Digital Line Real people talk to us about their challenges post-lockdown King’s Fine Food Luxury Food Distributor Owner, Laura King When COVID-19 peaked at the end of March 2020, the UK’s hospitality industry was dealt a devastating blow. Hotels, restaurants, food suppliers and other businesses within this sector were […]

Sevruga (Stellatus) Caviar Tasting With Laura King

Sevruga Caviar Tasting With Laura King

Sevruga (Stellatus) Caviar Tasting with Laura King – Sevruga tastes of the sea. It is often the preferred choice for caviar dealers around the world because of its resemblance to wild caviar. This small, grey egg is packed with a delicious salty flavour that lingers, often more than other caviars.

Royal Belgian Platinum Caviar Tasting with Laura King

Platinum Caviar

Platinum (Gueldenstaedtii X Baerii) – Country of Origin: Belgium. Caviar specialist Laura King talks us through, Royal Belgian Platinum Caviar – An incredibly popular caviar that never disappoints with its fresh and intense flavour.  

Laura King Compares Two Royal Belgian Oscietra Caviar

Royal Belgian Caviar

Caviar Specialist Laura King compares two tins of the Royal Belgian Oscietra Caviar for a caviar tasting. Oscietra (Gueldenstaedtii) – Country of Origin: Belgium With a beautiful golden/brown colour, they have a nutty, mellow taste, which develops into a buttery sweetness, similar to lobster. Historically the Oscietra egg is smaller than Beluga, but with increased […]